Barnett Ghost 350 CRT Crossbow Review
Last Updated on July 14, 2021 by Bruce
Whether you prefer or hunting or sport, the Barnett Ghost 350 CRT Crossbow can be compared to the silent shooting. You will be surprised at not only the lightweight factor of this crossbow but you will also be impressed by the quietness. If you are hunting game, the last thing you want is something that is loud to scare away the prey. It will provide you with the silence that you need in order to succeed in the field. They say silence is golden, and this fits the bill.
You are also going to find that the trigger system is Metal Injection Molding (MIM), and it has Anti-Dry Fire (ADF) as well. Both of these contribute to the speed of 350 FPS which makes it excellent to own. And, not only is it extremely quiet but, it has a faster, smoother and more accurate shot as well. This can be contributed to the CROSSWIRE Strings and the Whiplash Cams. All of this in a small fit is just another reason the Barnett Ghost 350 CRT Crossbow can be the perfect fit for your hunting excursion.
CRT or Carbon Riser Technology, not only makes the crossbow completely lightweight it is also stronger than the average crossbow. This is a technology that gives you everything you are looking for in a hunting weapon. You will also find that the CRT ups the safety factor of the crossbow to 5 to 1. Safety in a bow should always be a concern, and the Barnett Ghost CRT Crossbow has made sure that the safety factor and rating meet the standards it should for its customers.
Click here to learn more about Barnett Ghost 350 CRT
Ultimately, the crossbow only weighs 14 pounds so you can imagine just how light it truly is. You will receive a scope, quiver and arrows with your purchase so you will be able to get out and experience the thrill of the hunt immediately. It is very easy to assemble and takes no time at all to get it together. Everything that you need is shipped to you in order to get out and have fun right away. The speed and accuracy that you will experience with the Barnett Ghost 350 CRT Crossbow will leave you wondering where it has been all your life.
After doing a little research on the crossbow, you are going to find that it is the ultimate choice in crossbows. It has the speed, agility, precision and quietness that you are looking for during the hunting season. The patent technology of CRT is what gives you all of this and more. If you have been looking for a bow that will better your aim skills and your shoot to kill ration than the Barnett Ghost 350 CRT Crossbow is just what you need. There is no need to look any further to get the new season of hunting started. Remember, even if you are doing archery, you are going to find that your aim will improve as well.
Check also our article: Best Crossbow For The Money 2016